get connected!

  • connect with us

    Let us know if you’re new here, interested in more info about Zao, or if you want to be connected to a Zao ministry.

    We would love to get to know you!

  • HOW CAN we pray for you?

    We’d love to pray for you! If you’d like to submit a prayer request, the form is linked below.

    All submissions are confidential.

  • talk with a pastor

    Do you have something on your heart or mind? Reach out by clicking the button below and one of our pastors would be happy to connect with you personally.

    All submissions are confidential.

  • keep zao running

    We need lots of hands to make Sundays and events happen at Zao. If you want to volunteer to help us either behind the scenes or up front, please fill out the form linked below. Someone from the leadership team will reach out and connect with you about various ways to be involved.