At Zao, we believe we have enough because we have each other.

But how do we live in a way that reflects that belief? How do we embody God’s abundance to each other?

Zao is a place that has always been and will always be open to all, regardless of ability to contribute financially. We want everyone who is seeking a Jesus-rooted, justice centered, radically inclusive church to be able to join us with no strings attached.

However, it costs money to keep Zao going. Unlike in some church structures, the vast majority of our budget comes from individual donations, not from the denomination or other institutional sources. In other words, Zao only exists because we throw in together.

In this season, we are inviting each other into deeper solidarity, asking the question: how can we give all we can, so all can take what they need?

Each person sitting next to you in church on Sunday, joining you in the comments on the live stream, marching next to you at a protest, or sharing a family meal with you, is a vital part of this community. If you are able, can you step up with a recurring financial gift to cover the cost of someone who can’t?

Recurring gifts, whether weekly or monthly, are the most helpful in allowing us to build financial stability, create new ministries, and plan for the future. Our goal is for 20 community members to step up with a new or increased recurring gift by May 14.

We’re building this community together. How can you express solidarity and be part of sustaining Zao?